February Hull Digital MeetUp

Morning all 🙂
We’ve just announced the February Hull Digital MeetUp! Please do head on over to the MeetUp website to check all the details.
The MeetUp is at a private venue – MeetUp members obviously see that location over on the MeetUp site. Numbers are limited, so be quick!
25th Feb – 6.30pm to 8.30pm
We have a dedicated venue for this meeting thanks to Intrasource, so a big thanks to them. We are going to start following a little bit more of a structured format from now on along these lines:
– Welcome and catch up with everyone
– Hull Digital News
– Speakers and questions
– Help session – anyone can ask a question and see if the group can help!
– Wrap up and chat!
I’m hoping this means we get more out of the time we have
The speakers that have already confirmed are:
Paul Rhoades from Random Developments
“Credit Crunch Computing” 20 mins of suggestions on how to get
the best value from your computer systems in the credit crunch.
Steve Jagger from Quickline Communications
Alternative broadband solutions in the region.
There are a number of others who have expressed interest, so will be speaking to them very shortly. I’m also delighted to report that we have been contacted by Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency for the Yorkshire & Humber region. They are hoping to send a representative along from their Digital department.
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