HDQT now a free event with free drinks and more!

I’m delighted to say that Hull Digital Question Time is now a free event, and with much more planned!
A huge thanks to the sponsors for helping out and allowing this to be free – the people who have already bought tickets will be refunded and an email has been sent to you.
Wednesday May 26th – 6.30pm onwards
At the Donald Roy Theatre in the Gulbenkian Centre at the University of Hull.
So, what else is happening? Well, we’ve got a few things lined up..
1. Firstly FREE beers after the Question Time, kindly sponsored by Kingston Communications. Amazing how free beers gets a lot of interest 🙂
2. We’re going to hear more about the Institute for Creativity and Innovation – www.ihull.org
3. Possibly some exciting news from one of the sponsors (TBC)
4. A date for your diaries … (a date you will not want to miss)
5. Speed networking afterwards
So, don’t wait, head on over to get your free ticket now!
We’ve had some great questions, but we do need more.. please submit them!
(The theatre holds a good few people but a lot of tickets are going to students, so don’t miss out!).
I really hope you can make this event – we have such a brilliant community of people here in the city and getting everyone together is fun, leads to better business relationships and creates great friendships.
See you there!
Jon 🙂
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