
Success for Incentive Maker

Local developer and Hull Digital Developer Group Organiser John Polling is showing the way with cloud-based development. This is a fascinating guest post by him… read on! “The cloud” is a wonderful place for developing your own products It’s been just over 6 months since the Beta launch of Incentive Maker, a web based product […]

We love Fudge Restaurant

Fudge Restaurant has been a local neighbourhood favourite in Princes Avenue, Hull, East Yorkshire for the past 6 years, and we are very fond of them too! A small independently owned restaurant with a passionate team (known to the regulars as Team Fudge!) the restaurant has an addictive personality, a friendly feel and is driven […]

Fearful of your location?

Finally, Apple have actually said something official about the location data fiasco. I say fiasco, as for me at least, totally blown up out of proportion. For those of you who don’t know, it all blew up just over a week ago when people began to discover there was a location tracking database on their […]